Tag: British Columbia

How to plan a craft beer picnic this summer

Refreshing craft beer, delicious food, a warm summer breeze… Is there anything better than a craft beer picnic? As of June 15th, travel within BC is encouraged. This means there are extra opportunities to enjoy a craft beer picnic! Over the last few months, certain municipalities have gradually rolled out rules allowing alcohol consumption in certain … Continued

Tasting Room 101: How to Be a Considerate Craft Beer Consumer (2020 Fall/Winter Edition)

Don’t be THAT person! Follow the BC Ale Trail’s guide to tasting room etiquette in the new world of physically-distanced craft beer. Craft beer exploration looks a little different in 2020. Current COVID-19 rules recommend that we all “stay local and avoid non-essential travel within B.C.” Nevertheless, tasting rooms are open at breweries throughout the … Continued

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