Author: Joe Wiebe

BC Breweries Celebrate 51 Medals at the 2023 Canadian Brewing Awards

Trans-Canada flights from Halifax to British Columbia will be carrying some extra weight early next week as representatives from BC breweries return home with their medals! The 2023 Canadian Brewing Awards were announced in Halifax on Saturday, June 3, and once again this year, craft breweries from British Columbia fared extremely well on the national … Continued

Explore the Beers of Spring

Spring is here! The weather is warming up all across British Columbia — blossoms are blooming and bees are buzzing around them. Many of your favourite local breweries are releasing special beers to celebrate the season. Here is a round-up of more than 75 spring-themed beers from BC craft breweries. Lots of them feature berries or fruit, … Continued

Style Profile: Saison

Saison is a Belgian-style ale with a unique flavour profile and an interesting historical legacy. In a flight of beers, a saison will stand out as elegant and effervescent, almost like champagne. These days it is even more popular in North America than it is in its country of origin. The Beer Judge Certification Program … Continued

Barkerville’s Painless Jones Schwarzbier Celebrates Black History Month

Quesnel’s Barkerville Brewing has brewed a special beer in honour of BC’s first licenced dentist, William Allen “Painless” Jones. Barkerville Brewing is celebrating Black History Month with the launch of a new beer called Painless Jones Schwarzbier. The Quesnel-based brewery, which is named after the nearby historic town of Barkerville and is located on the … Continued

Looking Back at 2022: The Year of the Comeback

Call it the Year of the Comeback: 2022 saw the return of beer festivals, beer judging/awards, and beer conferences. With all the trials and tribulations of 2020 and 2021 behind us, we all went into 2022 with a hopeful smile and a Zen-like sense of serenity, right? OK, maybe it wasn’t quite so serene and … Continued

It’s the Most Wonderful Time for a Beer

As December arrives, many craft breweries in British Columbia are releasing special beers they have created to celebrate the holiday season. These wintry beers are often a little darker and stronger, making them well-suited for colder, darker days, and some of the recipes even include spices, cranberries, or chocolate. Here are more than 100 suggestions … Continued

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